Playing sports can be one of the most important aspects of a child’s life. Why? Sports help children learn. Through sports, children can develop confidence, independence, physical skills, concentration and creative thinking. And don’t forget, a healthy diet plays a vital part in helping children enjoy sports. However, good health, nutrition and exercise can seem out of reach for children from underprivileged communities in Malaysia. These children record higher percentages of malnutrition than the national average.
You may have heard of this: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." Yes! Food is not just something to fill the stomach. Food can be delicious, inventive, colourful, inspiring, and meaningful to all of us. But did you know that nearly 50 million people are on the edge of famine in 45 countries? Tens of millions of children and their families are confronted with starvation in a massive hunger crisis.
The war in Ukraine has captured the world’s attention, and that’s as it should be. The devastation is tragic, as people are forced to flee their homes seeking safety, protection and assistance. It’s been encouraging to see governments and ordinary citizens taking a real interest in Ukrainian refugees and giving generously to help them. However, there are many other refugees around the world in circumstances that are just as desperate.
No mother wants to see their child malnourished. But Asela had to. Amid climate change in Welikanda, Sri Lanka, hunger is stalking Asela’s three-year-old son Heshan. Her husband, Sampath, a daily wage labourer, is working long hours to put food on the table. Things got worse when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and work opportunities fell drastically.
If you are a child sponsor, you may wonder some days if the words you write in your letters to your sponsored child really sink in or if what you’re doing even makes a difference in their lives and their well-being. Michelle Loh had all these questions answered and more when she met her precious sponsored child from India.
“Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink” This line, paraphrased from a poem, describes being surrounded by something yet not being able to benefit from it. For children and communities in need, this expression is often literal. Today, 785 million people still lack access to clean water...
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