Terms of Use

Our Commitment


World Vision Malaysia is committed to protecting the privacy of the children and adults living in communities where we work. As part of this commitment, World Vision prohibits the usage of child photos from our website (worldvision.com.my) on other personal or commercial websites.



Tracking Your Use


We collect statistics on visitor traffic to our website through “cookies”. These are anonymous and do not identify you. We may also anonymously track your visit to our website by using information collected by others. For example, we use Google Analytics Demographics, which tells us things like gender, age range and interests of site visitors – without giving us any information that could be used to identify you. This enables us to better understand how our website is used and what you are interested in.


If you prefer not to allow this, you may be able to adjust your browser to turn off the use of “cookies” or notify you when they are being used. You can also opt out of programmes like Google Analytics if you wish (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/). However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas to take advantage of certain features on our website.



Protecting Your Information


To protect your personal and financial information, our site uses security encrypted response forms when personal and financial details are requested. The security we use between your browser and our website is 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption. A security icon will be visible in the URL address box (e.g. a padlock). This confirms that your browser supports SSL security. Double click on the security icon to verify the security certificate on this website. You will then see a box which displays who the certificate is issued to, who it was issued by and the certificate’s period of validity.


These security measures are reviewed regularly in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.



Connecting With Others


Our website includes references to other people and organisations and links to other websites. Other sites may also have links to our website. You connect with those people and organisations at your own risk. Where we provide a link to another site, we are inviting you to explore it for yourself. This is not an endorsement of individuals, views, businesses, products or services advertised on that site. We encourage you to review each website’s privacy policy, especially if you intend to disclose any personal information via that site.


For more information about how we protect your privacy, please read our Privacy Policy.



Using Images, Videos and Text From Our Website


The content and data found on this website, including images, are property of World Vision Malaysia and may not be redistributed, copied, or modified, without express written permission.


Using images found on any World Vision website, linking to any World Vision website or in some other manner framing or including any of the materials contained on any World Vision website without the prior written permission of World Vision Malaysia is strictly prohibited. Such activity could result in legal action. Please contact us for further information about linking to worldvision.com.mymy.worldvision.com.my and/or other World Vision Malaysia websites. World Vision Malaysia reserves the sole right to determine how resources may be used. Decisions regarding use may be revised or rescinded without prior notice.


From time to time, the information displayed on World Vision Malaysia websites may be incorrect or incomplete. By using this site you agree to not hold World Vision Malaysia responsible for any damages resulting from these errors or omissions.


World Vision Malaysia websites may contain links to other sites. World Vision Malaysia is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites.



Sponsor Communications and Social Media


As a child-focused organisation, we are committed to the well-being of all children and young people. While we are fully committed to making communicating with your sponsored child(ren) as enjoyable and efficient as possible, our priority is to ensure their safety and privacy, as well as yours, are protected.


World Vision understands that we cannot prevent sponsors from connecting with their sponsored child(ren) through various social media sites; however, we do ask that you consider the following before you engage in such communication:


  • Understand, identify, and manage potential risks of social media engagement
  • Understand and recognise acceptable and inappropriate behaviour and communications
  • Understand the available reporting mechanisms for when you feel uncomfortable, as well as the potential consequences of unacceptable behaviour


In addition, here are some posting guidelines so that you, as partners of World Vision, can help ensure that your sponsored child’s safety will not be compromised: 


  • Please only use the first name of your sponsored child
  • Please do not post your sponsored child's ID number
  • Please ensure that the photos you post are appropriate and that your sponsored child is adequately clothed. Photos should not be geo-tagged and wherever possible, measures should be taken to prevent electronic copying of photographs
  • Please do not publish identifying or private information about the child (e.g. the name of the exact location where he or she lives)


We appreciate your support and understanding in protecting the safety of your sponsored child. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (603) 7800 0899.

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