Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question for us? Read through our list of frequently asked questions or contact us to find out more.

About Child Sponsorship

    When you sponsor a child, you are making a commitment to support not only the child but also their community. Your sponsorship contribution does not go directly to the child and family; it will be pooled together with other sponsors’ contributions to facilitate long-term, holistic development work that breaks the vicious cycle of poverty. The child is also an ambassador for their community, giving you an opportunity to be more personally connected to the work we do.


    To improve the lives of children, it is necessary to start by addressing the most pressing needs of the community in which the children reside. As the community improves, adults will have the opportunity to improve their lives and be more able to care for the children.

    Contributions from child sponsors are pooled together to be invested in long-term development programmes that will give your sponsored child(ren), their family and community a brighter future. World Vision works to develop and improve the following in the communities we serve:


    • Child Protection
    • Livelihood
    • Health & Nutrition
    • Education
    • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

    It's really simple and you can choose from two methods:


    1. Sign up online (here)
    2. Download the Child Sponsorship form, complete it, and fax, email or post it to us


    An auto-reply email will be sent to you once the online sign-up form goes through. Once we receive your first child sponsorship contribution, you will receive a welcome pack within 2-3 weeks (digital and printed copy).

    The duration of your sponsorship depends on your personal conviction and preference. Your sponsorship may last a few years or the entire duration of the community’s development, typically 10-15 years. A child may remain sponsored up to age 21.


    The goal of child sponsorship is to bring your child and their community to health and self-reliance so that they can face the future confidently. We hope you can continue your sponsorship until the work is completed so that you can witness the transformation made possible by your support.

    World Vision’s Child Sponsorship Programme is possible because parents/guardians allow their children to take part in the programme. However, there are times when World Vision has to remove a child from the programme. Possible reasons include:


    • The child has completed his/her education and is no longer actively participating in the programme
      If your sponsored child has completed his/her education and is no longer actively participating in the programme, World Vision will remove him/her from the programme. Your child may be self-sufficient and able to support themselves by then. For example, when he/she starts work and help support his/her family.

    • The child/family has moved out of the area
      Better prospects in a new area would prompt the family of the child to move on. Since the child/family is no longer in the community, our project office cannot provide help and monitor the child’s progress. As such he/she can no longer participate in this programme.

    • The child/family no longer want to be in the programme
      World Vision does not force parents to register their child as a sponsored child, and parents may choose to opt out of the Child Sponsorship Programme for reasons such as privacy, or when they feel they do not need to enrol their child in the programme to enjoy the benefits that are provided to their community.

    • The family becomes self-supporting
      Thank you for making a difference! You have played a special part in bringing transformation to a child/family in need. World Vision will remove the child from the sponsorship programme so that the opportunity for sponsorship can be extended to another child in the community.


    If your sponsored child is no longer in the programme for these or any other reason, we will ensure that you’re informed as soon as possible.

    We understand that circumstances can make it difficult for sponsors to keep a monthly commitment, and that many may not be able to provide monthly support indefinitely. If you have to cancel your sponsorship, please inform us and we will arrange for a new sponsor for your sponsored child. Alternatively, you could encourage a friend or family member to continue the sponsorship commitment.

    Yes, you may choose based on four criteria, namely their country, gender, age and birth month.

    Unfortunately, this is not possible because every World Vision office supports projects in different countries. This allows us to spread our resources and help people in about 100 countries worldwide. World Vision Malaysia supports children and their communities in Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

    If this happens, it would mean that: (i) we currently do not have children available for sponsorship from that particular country or (ii) that World Vision Malaysia does not support a project in that country. It is our hope that you would consider sponsoring a child from a country that is currently listed.

    World Vision’s Child Sponsorship Programme is not implemented in Malaysia.


    If you would like to support Malaysian children, we encourage you to consider supporting our Malaysia Assistance Fund. World Vision Malaysia, with the assistance from local partners, run Community Development Programmes in Mukim Tulid and Tatalaan, Sabah. Our goal is to empower the indigenous community in terms of capability and skills so that they can build a sustainable future for the long term. 

    Most definitely! There is no limit to how many lives you can touch and transform. Once you click on “Become My Sponsor", the child will be added to “My Giving”. Thereafter, another child's photo and details will appear. You can click on “Become My Sponsor” to sponsor this child too or use the left/right arrow buttons to proceed to the next child's details.

    Yes. Each child is assigned to one sponsor. You may share your sponsorship with a friend or a group of friends. In which case, you can sign up as “May Ling & friends” or “Mr & Mrs Selva”.

    The website will state the area the child lives in. You can search by using the left/right arrow buttons to proceed to the next child’s details. Keep going until you find another child from the same community/area of your preference.

    The child will be available for sponsorship again after three hours.

    The Child Greeting Video helps you to get a more authentic perspective of a child, which includes the language they speak. Moreover, it would be costly and time-consuming to translate every Child Greeting Video, thus impacting our limited resources.


    Please note that Child Greeting Videos are not available from China due to their government policies.

Child Sponsorship PLUS

    Child Sponsorship PLUS is an opportunity to broaden your impact among vulnerable communities, both internationally in the world’s most vulnerable countries and locally in Malaysia. 


    Your contribution to Child Sponsorship PLUS will be allocated to two areas – the Child Sponsorship Programme (where you will sponsor a child) and the Malaysia Assistance Fund (where your contribution will be used to support children and child-related development work in Malaysia).  

    Child Sponsorship PLUS is an extension of the existing Child Sponsorship programme. Under the existing Child Sponsorship Programme, you select a child from an Asian or non-Asian country, and your contribution depends on the country type. 


    With Child Sponsorship PLUS, in addition to sponsoring a child, you also make an additional contribution to our Malaysia Assistance Fund. This fund benefits local communities in Malaysia, providing you with an opportunity to extend your impact beyond individual child sponsorship.  

    No, it will not. The existing Child Sponsorship Programme will continue to run for those who prefer to exclusively sponsor a child.

    Thank you for your ongoing support! We appreciate your kindness and keenness in supporting the Malaysia Assistance Fund.  


    Please note that only new child sponsorship sign-ups are eligible to receive a mystery box.  

    If you are among the first 300 sign-ups for Child Sponsorship PLUS or you signed up before 31 January 2024 (whichever comes first), you will be eligible for a mystery box.

    The mystery box contains a few limited edition World Vision merchandise.

    If you are eligible to receive a box, we will be mailing them out to you in March 2024. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to pick out your own box.

Communicating with My Sponsored Child

    Yes, you will receive the following each year:


    • Annual Progress Report (between September and November) with updates on your child’s progress, accompanied by a current photograph of him/her. If you start your child sponsorship on or after 30 April, you will receive an Annual Progress Report of your sponsored child in the following year.

    • Greeting card on special occasions such as New Year or Christmas. If you start your child sponsorship on or after 31 August, you will receive the greeting card in the following year.

    • Updates and videos about the work done in your sponsored child's community through My World Vision web portal.

    • Newsletters with local and international news from World Vision.

    • An Annual Review, which contains summaries of the work being done in all the projects that we support.

    We encourage you to build an enriching friendship with your sponsored child by writing letters, sending small gifts and participating in sponsors' visits to his/her community. Click here to find out more.

    If your letter is written in English

    Send these to the World Vision National Office in your sponsored child’s country. Addresses can be found here. The World Vision National Office staff will translate it to the native language (if necessary), and deliver it to your sponsored child. You can also send e-Letters via the My World Vision web portal.



    If your letter is written in Chinese/Malay

    Email us your letter at [email protected] and we will translate it to English before sending it to the World Vision National Office in your sponsored child’s country. You can also send e-Letters via the My World Vision web portal.


    If your sponsored child is from China, letters written in Chinese can be sent directly to World Vision China.


    Please note that your letters will take time to arrive at their final destinations as most of the children live in far-flung communities that do not have postal services and World Vision staff has to travel great distances to bring them their letters.

    To send a gift, you can send it directly to the World Vision National Office in your sponsored child’s country. Addresses can be found here.


    If you are attaching a letter with your gift, and the letter is written in Chinese/Malay, you can email us your letter at [email protected] and we will translate it to English for you. Then, we will email the translation back to you so that you can send an English letter along with your gift.


    If your sponsored child is from China, letters written in Chinese can be sent with your gift directly to World Vision China.


    Please note that your gifts will take time to arrive at their final destinations as most of the children live in far-flung communities that do not have postal services and World Vision staff has to travel great distances to bring them their gifts.

    It may take up to six months before you receive a response from your sponsored child.


    World Vision works in various impoverished areas, most of which are remote and lack postal services. Letters must be physically delivered. Your sponsored child will most likely communicate in their native language, and World Vision will have to translate both your letter and the child’s reply. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Due to the remote locations, you may send letters about three to four times a year. The best times to write are during your sponsored child’s birthday and Christmas.


    However, please note that it normally takes up to six months to process one letter, from the time you send to receiving your sponsored child’s reply.

    If your sponsored child is unable to write, he or she will be guided by their parents/guardian and our field staff. The child may just surprise you with a drawing!

    We don’t encourage connecting with your sponsored child through social media.


    While we encourage you to communicate and connect with your sponsored child, doing it through social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter poses a number of problems:


    • It poses a risk to the child’s safety.
    • It can put you and your sponsored child in a difficult position—people may pressure your sponsored child to ask for gifts, money, or other favours.
    • Others might access your sponsored child’s account, which would put your correspondence and personal details beyond our control.
    • Even with good intentions, language and cultural differences can lead to inappropriate communications.


    If you are contacted by your sponsored child through a social media site, kindly do not respond. Call us at (603) 7800 0899 immediately and we will follow up on the matter. For more information on how you can keep your sponsored child safe online, please read our Safeguarding Policy.

Contribution and Finances

    There are five methods and you can view your options here

    World Vision encourages the use of credit cards because it is:

    • Efficient – Processing credit card transactions are less time-consuming and labour intensive and it helps us reduce our administrative costs.
    • Convenient – Sponsors are spared the hassle of writing cheques/purchasing postal orders and mailing them to us. We have successfully negotiated a discount in bank charges so you can save effort, time and money!

    The security of our sponsors’ information is extremely important to us, and we take stringent measures to safeguard credit card information in our care. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details. You have the right to dispute any unauthorised transaction stated on your credit card statement.

    If you have made an error in contributing to World Vision Malaysia, we will honour your request for a refund made within 30 days of your donation. All requests must be accompanied by proof of payment. To request a refund, email us at [email protected] or call us at (603) 7800 0899.

    Donations to World Vision Malaysia are not tax deductible. Most of the funds collected are channelled to children in various countries outside Malaysia. Therefore, for now, this makes us ineligible to obtain the tax status which allows your donation to be tax deductible.

    Our commitment is to keep our administration and overhead costs below 20%. We have been keeping to this standard since we started operations in 1997. Expenses include costs of donor care, administration, fundraising and awareness building. You can download our latest Annual Review to learn more.

    Some of the aspects that determine the use of sponsorship contributions are infrastructure, traditions and culture, natural resources, and a community’s development phase. Depending on the level of necessity and chronology of development, funds will be channelled to develop different areas at varying amounts and at different stages.

    Our accounts are audited by an external accounting firm and are available to sponsors and donors on request. Annual reviews are sent to all sponsors. You may also participate in World Vision-organised group visits to your sponsored child’s community to learn more about the development programmes being carried out.

    No. Your contribution is pooled together with other sponsors’ contributions to facilitate long-term, holistic development work in your sponsored child’s community, breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. Simply giving money to your child and his/her family would make them dependent on external aid. Child sponsorship lets you make a real difference in a child’s life and that of his/her family. The child is also an ambassador for their community, giving you an opportunity to be more personally connected to the work we do.

    Children from non-Asian countries are from our programmes in Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, and South Africa) and Lebanon.


    In Africa, complex challenges (e.g. hunger, malnutrition, gender inequality, exploitation, marginalisation, HIV/AIDS) as well as the higher costs incurred to work there make it necessary for us to implement higher contribution amounts.


    In Lebanon, the privatisation of services (e.g. telecommunications, electricity, health services), the need for higher security and programme implementation costs brought on by past wars and instability have led to higher costs of living and development.

My World Vision Portal

    By creating an account on the My World Vision portal, you can:

    • Easily access My World Vision at your convenience, any time of the day.
    • Manage your contribution activity, make subsequent contributions, update your personal details, and view receipts and annual statements.


    If you are a child sponsor, you will also be able to:

    • Manage your sponsorship activity
    • Receive and view updates about your sponsored child(ren) and their community with videos and photos.
    • Stay connected with your sponsored child(ren) and write encouraging words to them via e-Letters.

    Click here. Enter your username, click ‘Submit’ and a confirmation notice will be sent to your registered email address to reset your password.

    When you create a My World Vision account, we will sync your online account with your past records. Sometimes, we need to manually resolve issues caused by conflicting information. If you have recently created a My World Vision account, please allow up to 5 working days for your sponsored child(ren)’s information and/or contribution activity to display in your account.


    Note: If your account information is not displaying after 5 working days, please call (603) 7800 0899 or email us at [email protected] for assistance.

    Yes, both child sponsors and donors (non-child sponsors) can create an account on the My World Vision portal. Donors will get to manage contribution activity, make subsequent contributions, update their personal details, and view receipts and annual statements.


    Not yet a sponsor?

    It means a lot to a child struggling with poverty to know that someone far away cares for them. When you decide to sponsor a child, your financial support will help that child and his/her community to break the cycle of poverty and be self-sustaining. Your prayers and words of encouragement are another way you can create a real and lasting difference in the life of a child.


    Please consider becoming a sponsor today. You can change lives forever! Click here to sign up as a child sponsor and create a My World Vision account to begin your meaningful journey.

    The Child Greeting Video helps you to get a more authentic perspective of a child, which includes the language they speak. Moreover, it would be costly and time-consuming to translate every Child Greeting Video, thus impacting our limited resources.


    Please note that Child Greeting Videos are not available from China due to their government policies.

‘Pure Hearts, Soaring Voices’ Charity Dinner

    World Vision Malaysia is hosting this Charity Dinner to raise funds for our transformative development programmes in vulnerable communities, helping those in need to rebuild their lives and become self-sufficient. This Charity Dinner features the Taiwan Children's Choir, who will perform a selection of songs that convey a message of hope and resilience.

    Proceeds will go to our Community Development Fund, which supports children and families in need by bringing child protection, livelihoods, health & nutrition, education and clean water to their communities.

    Date: 8 August 2024 (Thursday), 7.30pm – 10.00pm


    Venue: HGH Convention Centre


    Address: 475, Jalan Peach Avenue, Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur


    Link on Google maps:

    You can donate to reserve a table or seat here:

    Here are the table/seat tiers and the donation amounts for each one:

    - Platinum Table: RM30,000/table
    - Emerald Table: RM20,000/table
    - Gold Table: RM10,000/table
    - Silver Table: RM5,000/table
    - Classic Table: RM2,000/table

    - Silver Seat: RM500/seat
    - Classic Seat: RM200/seat

    You can make your donation with credit/debit card, FPX (online banking) or eWallets via our website.


    If you wish to donate for your table/seat via bank transfer, please make the transfer to World Vision Malaysia (Maybank Account No. 5146 0013 9710). Then, email your transaction slip to [email protected] or WhatsApp it to us at (603) 7800 0894 (English) or (603) 7800 0896 (Chinese).

    The deadline to reserve a seat or table for this Charity Dinner is 31 July 2024, or whenever we reach capacity.

    Tickets bought are not refundable. However, if you are unable to attend the Charity Dinner, the tickets are transferable. If you wish to transfer your ticket to someone else, let us know via email at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at (603) 7800 0894 (English) or (603) 7800 0896 (Chinese).

    Upon successfully completing your donation for the Charity Dinner, you will receive a notification email with the subject line ‘A Big Thank You from World Vision Malaysia’.


    Please present this email at the dinner registration booth at HGH Convention Centre on 8 August 2024 to get your table/seat number. There will be ushers available that day to show you to your table/seat.

    Yes, we can cater vegetarian or halal meals. Please write to us at [email protected] with your dietary requests by 25 July 2024 (Thursday).

Run For Children

    The World Vision Run for Children 2024 is open to Malaysians, Malaysia PR holders as well as foreigners with a valid working permit. It is suitable for all ages but anyone under the age of 18 must seek parental or guardian consent before they register. Participants below 15 years must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

    It is RM70 per participant, regardless of age. Participants will receive a Runner’s Kit containing a unique runner’s bib, T-shirt, tote bag and medal. To see the designs of each of these items, please click here.
    Yes, you can register via our registration platform by selecting ‘Add participant’ and filling up each individual’s details as shown.

    You will receive a confirmation email soon after payment has been made. Within two weeks, you will also receive two other emails – one from World Vision with more information about the Run and another containing the official e-receipt. You will need to present the confirmation slip and a valid identity document (Identity Card or passport) when you collect your Runner’s Kit.

    Unfortunately, once the registration form has been duly processed, it is NON-TRANSFERABLE, NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-DEFERRABLE. Completion and submission of the registration form and payment of fees represent the participant’s agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of the World Vision Run for Children 2024.

    The Checkpoint platform is a one-stop solutions provider for running and cycling events like this and helps make the registration process smoother and more seamless. 

    11 July 2024. However, World Vision reserves the right to close entries before the deadline without any notice or when the quota for the Run is met.

    Yes, if you live outside of the Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, the Runner’s Kit will be posted to you by mid-June 2024. Please refer to the table below for postage rates, which will be borne by the participant.

    Peninsular Malaysia – RM10.00 per kit


    Sabah/Sarawak – RM20.00 per kit


    Singapore – RM40.00 per kit

    If you live in Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. you must come and pick up your Runner’s Kit in person at: 
    Date: 11 to 14 July 2024 (Thursday to Sunday)
    Time: 10am-10pm
    Venue: Sunway Velocity Mall, Kuala Lumpur
    Lot F2-53, Second Floor, (In Front - F.O.S)


    If you are unable to collect your Runner’s Kit, kindly contact us at [email protected] (with the subject line "Runner's Kit Collection") to make alternative arrangements. All Runner’s Kits without special arrangement and not collected during the stipulated collection dates will be deemed as unwanted.

    Yes, you can! If you live outstation or you can’t join us at Dataran DBKL for any reason, just pick a date, time and place that suits you and Run for Children! It can be around your neighbourhood, at your local park or anywhere you can safely hit the streets.

    The Advocacy Fund will support children living in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Honduras, the Philippines, Mali, Lebanon and Somalia. Funds raised will also go towards World Vision's global child protection efforts.

    1. The World Vision Run for Children 2024 is open to Malaysians, Malaysia PR holders and foreigners with a valid working permit.

    2. Participants under the age of 18 must seek parental or guardian consent before they register.

    3. Once the registration form has been duly processed, it is NON-TRANSFERABLE, NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-DEFERRABLE.

    4. Completion and submission of the registration form and payment of fees represent the participant’s agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of the World Vision Run for Children 2024.

    5. All entries are on a first-come, first-served basis unless otherwise stated.

    6. World Vision Malaysia (henceforth referred to as the Organiser) reserves the right to close entries before the deadline without any notice or when the quota for the Run is met.

    7. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or change the date of the Run. No refunds will be issued if the Run is cancelled on the orders of the Organiser due to unavoidable or unforeseen circumstances.

    8. All participants are required to present their e-receipt (which will be sent via email) and a valid identity document (Identity Card or passport) when collecting their Runner’s Kit.

    9. All Runner’s Kits must be collected at the latest one week before the start of the Run.

    10. All Runner’s Kits without special arrangement with the organiser and not collected during the stipulated collection dates will be deemed as unwanted.

    11. For Runner’s Kits that are shipped out, any sponsored free gifts will not be included in the package.

    12. The Organiser will not bear the cost for any Runner’s Kits lost or damaged during the shipping process by third-party delivery partners.

    13. Changing of T-shirt sizes will not be allowed after the registration form has been submitted.

    14. The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs (including photos taken of the participants), motion pictures, recordings, or any other recorded form of the Run for any legitimate purposes, including commercial advertising.

    15. For any questions or inquiries, please send an email to [email protected]

Gifts of Hope

    Gifts of Hope started in 2005 with the intention of giving Malaysians the opportunity to improve the lives of children, their families and communities through the giving of practical, impactful and sustainable gifts.


    World Vision Malaysia supports and funds projects in several countries through various means, the main one being our Child Sponsorship Programme.


    However, for some countries, funds raised through the Child Sponsorship Programme are insufficient to support transformational and development projects. As such, alternative ways of raising funds are explored – for example, the Gifts of Hope.

    The gifts featured in the catalogue are chosen annually based on consultations and feedback from the communities supported by World Vision Malaysia. Their choices and decisions are, in many instances, based on immediate needs and long-term sustainability for the communities.


    For the full list of gifts, please click here. If you would like to know about the countries where the gifts will go, please email [email protected] or call World Vision Malaysia at (603) 7800 0899.

    There are several factors that determine the donation price range of each gift. Some gifts include supporting materials, or materials and training, but this is highly dependent on the needs of the community.


    For example:

    When you donate a Buffalo and Training, the beneficiary will be provided with training in livestock practices and supported with breeding inputs.


    When you donate a Clean Water System, boreholes will be drilled in communities; water connections and stand pipes will also be provided.


    In many cases, the gift benefits more than its original recipients or households. For example, when a family receives a cow and the cow gives birth to calves, they will pass on the calves to other members of the community.


    Apart from that, the raw materials for some gifts may not be readily available in the community. Therefore, they need to be sourced from other areas within the country and transported to the community.

    In the event that the gifts you have selected have sufficient funding, we will send them to where the needs are greatest, locally and overseas, or send other equally-needed gifts in place of the gifts you’ve chosen.

    The majority of the gifts are community-based, which are different from the types of gifts you may like to give your sponsored child. Furthermore, your sponsored child may not be residing within the communities that benefit from this initiative.


    We encourage sponsors to send gifts directly to their sponsored children through World Vision’s offices in their sponsored children’s countries (the list of addresses can be found here).

    At the moment, World Vision Malaysia is not equipped to accept gifts in kind. Additionally, we have to consider the cost of shipping and handling, local authorities’ approval, and many other factors. It would be cheaper, easier and more effective to provide the field offices with the money and indicate our choice of gifts to them.

    We will provide a report on how many gifts were delivered in total and the implementation of supporting programmes (e.g. handwashing stations, toilets). The report for this year’s Gifts of Hope catalogue will be available in mid 2024. Click here to read our latest report.

    As our funds are primarily channelled overseas to help children living in the poorest areas of the world, your donations are not tax-deductible. To be eligible for tax exempt status, a majority of funds raised must benefit Malaysians.

    When you donate a gift on behalf of a loved one, you can send him/her an eCard to let him/her know about the special gift you have donated in his/her name. You will receive ONE eCard per gift. eCards are only available when you pick your gifts online.

    Our commitment is to have your donations/gifts delivered by those working in the various field offices. The gifts are delivered in accordance to the timeline of activities carried out in the community, which is planned annually. Oftentimes, the gifts are also accompanied by trainings to maximise the usage and benefit of the items.


    Chosen invites you to put the power of choice ​​​​​​in the child’s hands, instead of following the usual method of allowing a sponsor to choose their sponsored child. It sets the tone from the start that children can (and should) be able to make choices in life, and that they have the power to choose what their life can become. Chosen allows children to contribute to the decision-making process, giving them ownership over their own lives.

    Chosen is not a ‘different’ child sponsorship model – the only thing changing is how the sponsor-and-child relationship begins. Currently, sponsors are asked to choose a child to sponsor. With Chosen, sponsors send their photo to a community where children choose them to be their sponsors. It flips the choosing dynamic and gives children more ownership in the choice of who their sponsor will be. World Vision's community-empowering sponsorship development model, which has proven effective, remains unchanged.

    One important way to empower children is to give them space to develop their own opinions and act on their thoughts and preferences. Through Chosen, children can select their own sponsor. This is one of the many ways World Vision is working to empower children as part of our child-focused approach to transforming communities.

    Chosen is a new invitation to child sponsorship where a child chooses his/her sponsor. You (the sponsor) can sign up to be chosen whenever there is an upcoming Choosing Event. Your name and photo will then be sent to a community where World Vision works and a child from that community will make their choice. Once the choice is made, you will receive a photo of the child and a letter from the child explaining why you were chosen. As always, we encourage you to build a friendship with your sponsored child through letters or e-letters.

    A Choosing Event is where the children will make their choice from a selection of potential sponsors’ photos. When you have been chosen, your sponsored child will write a letter to you sharing why they picked you out of the entire selection.


    Amid COVID-19, the safety and well-being of children and their families remain our priority. For children to safely choose their sponsor, Choosing Events will be conducted in line with community regulations and restrictions at the time of the event.

    Children participating in Chosen will be in the age range of 0 to 13 years old. If a child is too young to make their own choice, the child's parent(s) will assist. In doing so, the power of choice is still given to the child and their family in an honourable way.

    Yes, everyone will be chosen. There is no lack of children in need of sponsorship and World Vision has operational procedures in place to ensure that all who sign up to participate will be chosen.

    Yes, each participating child chooses only one (1) sponsor. For World Vision’s child sponsorship programmes, a child is matched to a single sponsor to create a unique and meaningful relationship.


    However, as a child sponsor, you may sponsor up to three (3) children per Choosing Event. You will then be chosen by different children. ​

    When you sign up to be chosen as a sponsor, your full name and photo are sent to the community. Sometimes, it may be necessary to display an ID number on the photo to ensure an accurate match is made. Otherwise, no other information is displayed or passed on to the children.

    When a child chooses you, we will inform you via email. So keep an eye on your email inbox and gather your family before opening the email! It’s a special moment worth sharing.


    Once you have received the announcement email, visit the My World Vision portal to find a letter from your sponsored child explaining why they chose you as well as view photos, videos and find out more about your sponsored child’s community.


    In the weeks that follow, we’ll also be sending a Welcome Kit with information about your sponsored child, their community and ways to connect with them.  You will receive an e-copy within 9 working days and a hard copy within 21 days of your child sponsorship commencement. (Due to COVID-19, your hard copy welcome pack may take a longer time to reach you.)

    When uploading your photo, please keep in mind cultural sensitivities and appropriate considerations including:


    • considering the emotional, psychological, political, economic, cultural, and social circumstances of the children and their greater community;
    • choosing appropriate clothing and coverage that acknowledges all cultural diversities that may be present within your sponsored child’s community;
    • safeguarding children by choosing a photo culturally appropriate for children as recipients;
    • avoiding photos that feature religious icons, displays of wealth or swimwear.


    Thank you for joining us in the safeguarding and protection of the world’s most vulnerable children.  

    You can upload a photo of yourself. Alternatively, you may include family and friends who are sharing the sponsorship. Please ensure you have everyone’s permission for their photo to be used in this way.


    Choose a close-up photo (portrait) of people’s head and shoulders, with faces clearly captured. A neutral background is ideal and good lighting is key. Kindly ensure that your photo’s layout is portrait and not landscape.


    IMPORTANT: By signing up for Chosen, you consent to your name and photo being used by World Vision for Chosen activities and related communications. Your acknowledgment and consent will be required during the sign-up process.

    Upon sign-up, your details will be requested to facilitate the registration. At the time, we will also ask you to upload your photo as part of the sign-up process. Your contribution will start upon successful completion of the checkout process (RM65/monthly – sponsored child from Asia; RM80/monthly – sponsored children from non-Asia countries). Recurring contributions will be scheduled on the 7th or 17th or 27th according to your preferred contribution frequency (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually).


    Once you have signed up for Chosen, we will send your photo, name to the relevant World Vision field office (located in your future sponsored child’s country). There, World Vision field staff will print and display your photo along with your name at the Choosing Event. Sometimes, it may be necessary to display an ID number on the photo to ensure an accurate match is made. Once you have been chosen, your sponsored child will be able to keep and cherish your photo for themselves.


    In the future, your name and photo may appear in images and/or videos used for Chosen-related activities and communications, including social media, digital and print media.


    IMPORTANT: By signing up for Chosen, you consent to your name and photo being used by World Vision for Chosen activities and related communications. Your acknowledgment and consent will be required during the sign-up process.

    Yes, Chosen is a wonderful way to make an impact in the lives of vulnerable children. At the moment, you may sign up to be chosen by up to three (3) children per Choosing Event.


    You only need to upload one photo. At the Choosing Event, multiple copies of your photo will be displayed, and a different child will each choose one. You will receive a photo and personal letter from every child who has chosen you to be their sponsor.

    Yes, you definitely can. For any registrants below 18 years old (according to date of birth at the time of sign-up), a parent/guardian’s consent and information will be required.

Church Engagement

    We acknowledge one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    In Jesus Christ the love, mercy and grace of God are made known to us and all people.
    From this overflowing abundance of God's love we find our call to ministry.
    We proclaim, "Jesus lived, died, and rose again. Jesus is Lord."
    We want Him to be the centre of our individual and corporate life.


    We seek to follow Him in identifying with the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, the marginalised; in His special concern for children; in His respect for the dignity bestowed by God equally on women and men; in His challenge to unjust attitudes and systems; in His call to share resources with each other; in His love for all people; in His offer of new life through faith in Him.


    We hear His call to servanthood and see the example of His life. We commit ourselves to a servant spirit in the organisation. This means honestly facing our own pride, sin and failure.


    We bear witness to the redemption offered only through faith in Jesus Christ. Our staff are equipped by belief and practice to bear this witness. We will maintain our Christian identity, while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express it.

    Through integrated, holistic commitment to:


    • Transformational Development that is community-based, sustainable, and focused especially on the needs of children
    • Emergency Relief that assists people afflicted by conflict or disaster
    • Promotion of Justice that seeks to change unjust structures affecting the poor
    • Partnerships with churches to contribute to spiritual and social transformation
    • Public Awareness that leads to informed understanding, giving, involvement and prayer
    • Witness to Jesus Christ by life, deed, word and sign that encourages people to respond to the Gospel

    As World Vision persons we are members of various local churches and/or denominations. Most of these groupings have their own formal creeds. The founders of World Vision, believing that our activities should be undergirded by a few straightforward confessional commitments, elected to adopt the following Statement of Faith in our new Constitution:


    1. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    2. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory.
    3. We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
    4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
    5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
    6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved until the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
    7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

    World Vision is an international Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation within God's mission mandate for the Church. We are an expression of the Church in mission on behalf of the poor and oppressed, and we share the ministry mandate of the Church to work with people in poverty and bear witness to Jesus Christ.


    World Vision and churches resource each other for mission work. World Vision is committed to work humbly with and in the service of the Church in all its expressions to contribute to the fulfilment of God's mission in the world.

    Yes. World Vision International is a global partner of the World Evangelical Alliance. For more information, please click here.

    World Vision believes that spiritual transformation is integral to transformational development and that the Church is God’s sustaining instrument in the world. While we continue to engage the total community, World Vision’s commitment is to work with churches as indispensable partners.


    We share the Church’s commitment to disciple followers of Jesus Christ who bear witness to the gospel by life, deed, word and sign, encouraging people to respond to the Gospel. We seek to promote Christian cooperation and unity across the spectrum of the Church.

    World Vision Malaysia hopes to partner with churches to enhance the holistic well-being of children, families and communities. We seek an advocacy alliance with churches on matters of common concern, particularly issues relating to children and justice. We sincerely invite church leaders to come together from various traditions for reflection and collaboration to nurture holistic ministry, encourage Christian unity and contribute effectively to their ministry capacity.


    As World Vision works in some areas where churches lack a significant presence, we support initiatives that encourage fellowship groups, Christian witness, leadership development and the emergence of new Christian communities. As such, World Vision seeks to nurture relationships with churches at local, national, regional and global levels.

    The Church Relations team consists of people who have prior formal theological education and are actively preaching and serving in their respective local Malaysian churches. The team intentionally seeks to integrate sound biblical hermeneutics in our Christian humanitarian work. Profiles of our Church Relations Team members and their theological qualifications, as well as their speaking engagement experience, are available upon request.

    Yes, we do! Contact us for the latest interactive World Vision discipleship resources.

    If you are interested in partnering with us, kindly contact us at:


    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (603) 7800 0899

Legacy Giving

    Kindly contact your lawyer and have them include a clause in your will naming World Vision Malaysia as a beneficiary. If you already have a will, you may need to add a new paragraph in the will. You may also prepare your own will with the presence of two witnesses. However, legal service will ease the execution process. For more details on leaving a legacy, visit our Legacy Giving page, contact us at [email protected] or (603) 7800 0899.

    Child sponsorship changes a child’s life by changing the world they live in. Sponsorship benefits more than just one child — the transformation you help bring about extends to each child's family, their community, and other children in need. We do not encourage naming your sponsored child in your will as children and their families may leave the area and no longer be participating in the programme, making it impossible for World Vision to honour your wishes. We recommend that you direct your bequest to the Child Sponsorship Programme or allow us to use it where it is needed most at the time received.

    Yes, you can choose an area of our work that is close to your heart. However, leaving a gift to a specific project or country can sometimes cause difficulties, as it's likely to be many years before we receive your legacy gift and the project may have finished or we could have stopped working in that country. If you would like to discuss any specific intentions or plan, please contact us at [email protected] or (603) 7800 0899. We will do our utmost to honour your wishes.

    We understand that your will is a private document and you’re not under any obligation to discuss it with us. However, if you wish to let us know your intentions, we would love to hear from you so that we can personally thank you for your generosity.

    You can bequeath any of the following to World Vision Malaysia in your will:

    • Cash
    • Property Assets
    • Share/Bond
    • Trust Fund


    To gift through your insurance policies, you can nominate World Vision Malaysia as a beneficiary. 

About Volunteering

    When you volunteer with World Vision you become part of a big family of like-minded people who are passionate and motivated about World Vision’s mission of eliminating poverty and helping children.


    Volunteering is also a great way for volunteers to learn from each other's different skills, knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, volunteering widens your circle of friends and helps you put your time to productive use!

    Please sign up here. Once you have signed up, you will receive an auto-reply email and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with upcoming volunteering opportunities.

    Unfortunately, World Vision Malaysia is not equipped with the manpower for volunteerism activities overseas.

    If you are living overseas, we would encourage you to volunteer with the World Vision office in the country you are in. However, if you are back in Malaysia on vacation and would like to spend your time meaningfully, you are most welcome to apply as a World Vision Malaysia volunteer.

    Staff from different corporations can partner World Vision Malaysia by offering their time, expertise and skills at the various events organised by World Vision Malaysia. Indirectly, this will also help companies to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility goals via staff engagement.

Volunteer Requirements and Tasks

    Only volunteers aged 18 years old and above are allowed to sign up as event volunteers. Volunteers below 18 years old will be assigned office-based projects. Additionally, written consent from parents and/or legal guardians is required for all volunteers below the age of 18.

    Office volunteers must be willing to commit a minimum of four (4) hours a day (or as per requested). We ask that event volunteers commit at least one day (one shift per day) to each event. Home-based volunteers will have to commit on a project-by-project basis.

    This depends on your time and where the events are taking place. The majority of our events take place in key cities and towns over the weekends.

    Most definitely! Many of our volunteers hold regular jobs but still find time and energy to volunteer with us.

    There is a variety of administrative tasks at the office, like answering calls and data entry, whereas volunteering at our events might require you to speak to the public or assist in setting up and clearing exhibitions.


    We are also always on the lookout for home-based volunteers who can help us with video editing, graphic designing and translation work.

    Depending on the task, you will be assigned to work individually or in teams. Nonetheless, each volunteer will be assigned a Volunteer Coordinator who is usually a World Vision staff and who would be more than happy to guide you along.

Volunteer Logistics

    Dress comfortably and neatly with consideration towards the sensitivities of other people. We recommend T-shirts, long pants/jeans and comfortable shoes. Please bring a jacket in case the air-conditioning is too cold for you.


    A World Vision Malaysia Volunteer T-shirt will be given to you at the first orientation briefing. If you are required to wear it while volunteering at our events, you will be notified in advance.

    Bring a water bottle as you might be spending considerable hours on duty or speaking to the public or even over the telephone.


    For events, bring related background materials (FAQ, background information, etc). These will be provided to you and will help you knowledgeably communicate important messages about World Vision, its work and the event to those who may be interested.

    At the office, you can refill water at the dispensers. Bring your own snacks if you like snacking!

    You will be informed in advance by your Volunteer Coordinator of the day, time and venue (if not in the office) you have been assigned for volunteer work. We expect volunteers to be responsible and punctual for duty.

    Please call your Volunteer Coordinator to notify him/her. If possible, please give your notification 2 days in advance. If you are slotted for more than one session, please re-confirm your availability for subsequent sessions with your Volunteer Coordinator.

    For any concerns, kindly speak to your Volunteer Coordinator.

    The name of your Volunteer Coordinator and his/her contact number will be provided to you in advance. When you arrive at the World Vision Malaysia office, you may ask for your Volunteer Coordinator.

    Volunteers are responsible for their own transport. Whenever possible, we will email you the venue map or a link to the venue. You can also Google the venue for directions.

    Click here to view directions on Google Map.

    At the office, please park at the open car park near the Kelana Jaya Stadium. The charge is RM3 per entry. Ask any of the guards at Kelana Centre Point and they will be able to direct you to the open car park.


    For events, please park your car somewhere safe at the event venue or a nearby car park.

Who We Are

    We are a Christian humanitarian, development and relief organisation serving the world’s most vulnerable children and families across five continents irrespective of nationality, race, politics, sex, age or religion.


    Founded in 1950, World Vision is currently operating in about 100 countries and has impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.


    World Vision Malaysia was set up in 1997 as a Support Office. Our objectives are to heighten awareness of our work in relief, development and advocacy and to raise funds to support transformational development programmes in various communities in which World Vision serves.


    The heart of World Vision’s work is to help communities build stronger and healthier relationships. We focus on children because they are the best indicator of the social health of a community. When children are fed, sheltered, schooled, protected, valued and loved, a community thrives.

    World Vision serves the most vulnerable across five continents. We are in about 100 countries and have impacted the lives of over 200 million vulnerable children irrespective of their nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, age or religion.


    Community development projects are mainly concentrated where the need is greatest: Africa, Central and South America, and Asia.

    World Vision responds to two categories of human needs:

    Emergency relief

    In an emergency, the priority is to save and rebuild lives. World Vision relief teams are involved in setting up and managing refugee camps, administering emergency health care, distributing immediate survival needs. In the rehabilitation phase, World Vision helps survivors clear debris, rebuild their lives and return to gainful employment through proper training.



    Our primary objective is to break the vicious cycle of poverty by working with local communities and governments to identify, prioritise and implement community-based skills and economic programmes that will pave the way to self-reliance. Typically, these projects focus on primary health care, education, clean water, and practical skills in micro-enterprises and agriculture that will increase food production, family incomes and improve overall well-being.

    As a Christian organisation, our work is inspired by Christian values and operates according to the strict ethical standards required by the Christian Faith. Christian staff members are prompted by the example of Christ's love in serving the people. Non-Christian staff members are treated fairly and have freedom to practise and observe their own respective religions.


    World Vision does not proselytise. We never require those we serve to listen to a religious message or convert to Christianity as a condition of aid. We do not use relief assistance as an inducement for people to convert. World Vision is a signatory to the "International Red Cross Code of Conduct."


    World Vision receives donations from diverse people and re-invests these funds in projects which benefit all people in need irrespective of their gender, ethnic origin, nationality or religious belief. As a Christian organisation, World Vision believes in accountable and responsible stewardship of all contributions entrusted to it.

    World Vision Malaysia piloted its first Community Development Programme (CDP) in Mukim Tulid, Sabah in 2014. In 2017, a second CDP started in Mukim Tatalaan, Sabah.


    The objective of the Programmes is to empower and build the indigenous community in terms of capability and skills so that they can build a sustainable future for the long term. 


    In partnership with the local government and communities, both CDPs address major challenges faced by the local children and families, empowering them through Education, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Health & Nutrition, Livelihood and Child Protection projects. Learn more here.


    World Vision Malaysia also supports like-minded local charitable organisations. Amongst them are Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled, Dignity for Children Foundation, Malaysian CARE, Dual Blessing Berhad, Good Shepherd Services, Yayasan Sin Chew, ElShaddai Centre Bhd, Fugee School, PACOS Trust and SUKA Society.


Funding Matters

    World Vision's projects are funded primarily through:


    Child Sponsorship Programme: Child sponsors’ monthly contributions are pooled together to implement community-wide programmes aimed at improving the situation and well-being of those within the community. The end result is an independent and self-sustaining community that is free from the crutches of long-term aid and hand-outs.


    As part of its fundraising and advocacy focus, World Vision organises annual events like 30-Hour Famine where participants raise funds by fasting for 30 consecutive hours, #RunForChildren where participants run to protect the rights of children and the Gifts of Hope Catalogue that offers an alternative means of gift-giving.


    Corporate Partnerships and Donations: World Vision Malaysia also partners with local and multi-national corporations to raise funds for specific projects of interest.

    Funds raised are channelled to Area Programmes supported by World Vision Malaysia located in countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.


    Locally, World Vision Malaysia supports local charitable organisations such as Beautiful Gate Foundation for the Disabled, Dignity for Children Foundation, Malaysian CARE, Dual Blessing Berhad, Good Shepherd Services, Yayasan Sin Chew, ElShaddai Centre Bhd, Fugee School, PACOS Trust and SUKA Society.


    World Vision Malaysia also undertakes fundraising in support of specific emergency relief and rehabilitation efforts. These include Laos (floods), Japan (earthquake, tsunami), Vietnam (floods), Indonesia (tsunami, earthquake), Thailand (floods), Philippines (typhoon), Pakistan (floods), Chile (earthquake), Haiti (earthquake), India (floods), Taiwan (typhoon), China (earthquake, floods, droughts), Myanmar (cyclone), Lebanon (explosion) and globally (COVID-19).

    All World Vision offices are audited annually and financial statements are available to child sponsors and donors.


    On-site inspections and project evaluations are conducted regularly. Annual Progress Reports on every sponsored child are provided for all child sponsors. World Vision programmes and costs are carefully reviewed to ensure effective use of World Vision’s resources and the greatest impact for those we serve.


    World Vision has professionally-trained personnel on the ground who strictly implement quality control and financial accountability.

    Donations to World Vision Malaysia are not tax deductible. Most of the funds collected are channelled to children in various countries outside Malaysia. Therefore, for now, this makes us ineligible to obtain the tax status which allows your donation to be tax deductible.

Our Accountability

    World Vision Malaysia chose to be incorporated under the Companies Act 1965 as a body incorporated under this Act will operate more efficiently with transparent accounts and governance structure. This also means that we are registered as a company limited by guarantee, hence the use of the word "Berhad".


    Some of World Vision Malaysia's obligations as a company limited by guarantee are:


    1. Have a Board of Trustees to provide governance
    2. All income must be used for the purposes as set out in its Memorandum of Association
    3. No dividends may be paid to the members
    4. Proper accounts must be maintained and ascertained by qualified auditors
    5. Permission from the Minister is needed for the organisation to own land or to change its Articles of Association


    Audited annual accounts of World Vision Malaysia are submitted to the Companies Commission of Malaysia and made available for inspection. Please click here for the latest annual review.

    A company limited by guarantee has no shareholders. Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association of the Company are admitted to membership in accordance with the Articles of Association. Every member of the Company is bound to further, to the best of his/her ability the objects, interests, and influence of the Company and must observe all regulations and by-laws of the Company. The Board has full discretion as to the admission of any person to membership of the Company.


    The Memorandum of Association of the Company, including all the Articles and by-laws, and the composition of the Board has to be submitted to and approved by the Minister at its incorporation.

    Mr Jacob Lee Chor Kok (Chairman), Ms Janet Yap Seong Yong, Ms Chen Lee Won, Ms Esther Ong Chen Woon, Datuk Ho Hon Sang, Rev. Dr Lim Kar Yong, Emeritus Prof. Dr P.T. Thomas and Ms Tammy Toh Seok Kheng.


    All board members serve in their personal and non-executive capacity, and are not remunerated by any directors’ fees.  Please click here for more information on our Trustees.

    There is no question of capital as World Vision Malaysia is not a profit-making organisation. The purpose of World Vision Malaysia is to receive and administer donations according to its objective and purpose as set out in its Memorandum of Association.

    External Auditor – Russ Ooi & Associates

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