Sulawesi Earthquake & Tsunami

On 28 September 2018, a 7.4 magnitude earthquake – followed by a tsunami – hit the Donggala, Palu and Mamuju areas in Central Sulawesi Province.

The catastrophe in September 2018 destroyed many things in the Central Sulawesi Province. Roads, bridges and electricity poles were damaged while communications networks were disrupted. These factors made rescue and aid operations difficult. Millions were affected, with thousands dead, thousands more injured and countless people internally displaced.


Several Area Programmes (AP), including Parimo AP supported by World Vision Malaysia, are located in Central Sulawesi.


Since the beginning of the emergency, World Vision’s trusted local partner Wahana Visi Indonesia has concentrated on life saving interventions such as distributing food package, family package, providing clean water and supporting the education and child protection for displaced children. Wahana Visi Indonesia was on the ground for over two years to help affected communities rebuild and recover from the disaster.

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