Nashat, the Baby Who Narrowly Escaped Death

Nashat was born malnourished during the drought and the biggest hunger crisis Somalia has faced in a generation.


Her mother was only 16 when she gave birth. She was also malnourished, weak and unable to produce milk. Soon after giving birth, she left Nashat in her mother, Muna’s care in desperate search of an income.


Due to the drought, Muna lost her source of income and food. “The drought came in 2021 and killed my livestock,” recalls Muna.


Nashat and Muna now live in a camp for drought-displaced people. And just a few months ago, baby Nashat was fighting for her life. Her grandmother was prepared for the worst.


“She started losing weight, becoming weak and thin. It got worse. I didn’t have much to give her except water with some sugar but it didn’t help. She probably would have died.



Little Nashat is now out of danger thanks to the mother’s health centre at the camp that is fully supported by World Vision.


"It has been such great support. They supported me with the health assessment and then linked me to the hospital, even paying for my transport. When I went to the hospital, milk was given to Nashat and they took care of her very well. With the milk, she started playing and life came back to her. They helped me a lot. Thank God,” says Muna.



Nashat’s story shows us that young children are the most vulnerable to the after effects of climate change and drought, but they can gain full recovery if they have access to nutritious food and relevant treatments like Nashat did.


We’ll do whatever it takes to help the most vulnerable children. But we need your support to help them survive, recover and build a future. This is Childhood Rescue.

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