Livelihood Fund

Lift children, their families and communities out of poverty through livelihoods and economic empowerment, helping them build the foundation for better lives.

“Without economic opportunities, my parents are unable to support my health and educational needs due to lack of income. I will probably have to give up schooling to help my parents put food on the table. I will also not have enough food to eat which will affect my overall growth and ability to perform at school.”


By the end of 2020, an estimated 719 million people live below the poverty line, surviving on less than USD2.15 (RM9.77).1 When you’re that far behind, it’s hard to get ahead.


We strengthen families’ abilities to build resilient livelihoods by facilitating savings groups, improving market access as well as equipping them with tools and training to lift themselves out of poverty. Families are also encouraged to give back and contribute towards the development of their own community.


Key Challenges

Low levels of knowledge, poor agricultural productivity

Wage labourers and farmers lack knowledge and skills to increase their income. These disadvantaged groups lack business acumen, market access, do not know how to generate alternative income, or how to protect their livelihoods from disasters.

Weak institutions and financial infrastructure

Because of their distance from cities and major markets, people in poor and rural areas rely on middlemen who take a cut of profits. They also do not have basic financial services like savings and loans, forcing them to pay high interest rates to moneylenders.

Vulnerable to disasters

Rapid-onset disasters like earthquakes, and slow-onset crises like the COVID-19 pandemic can derail livelihoods. According to predictions, climate and disaster risk impacts will push an estimated 325 million poor people into extreme poverty over the next decade.

How World Vision Helps

Skills training and education

Access to skills training (e.g. financial literacy), business coaching and education helps break the cycle of poverty. We also train farmers to grow varied crops, form producer groups, improve product market value and negotiate for better prices.

Supporting local savings and loans programmes

Community saving groups support families in saving regularly and enable communities to plan and invest in their future; members can take turns borrowing money for their needs or to build and grow a business. 

Reducing risks and building resilience

We educate communities on disaster risks and prepare them with the skills and knowledge needed to face the effects of emergencies. We also liaise with local governments and other stakeholders to reduce the impact of disasters.

Global Impact

Through World Vision’s work around the world…





Facts and figures based on 2022 data.

How you can support the Livelihood Fund

Empower children, their families and communities with the skills, tools and resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty!

Livelihood Fund (One-time, any amount)

RM 35.00

Livelihood Fund (Monthly)

RM 35.00 / Month

I would like to add RM35 per month to equip more families with better farming techniques and increase their household income. This will enable families to better provide for their children.

At World Vision, we seek to ensure that all resources entrusted to us are used as efficiently and effectively as possible. In rare cases where donations exceed what is needed, or where local conditions prevent programme implementation, World Vision will redirect funds to equally important programmes that help children and families in need.


1 The World Bank, 2022.

Story From the Field

Stories from the Field

With a Cow, New Hope is Born

How can a cow change lives? Read the story of Lan and see how a faithful farm animal led to fresh hope for her family. 

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In 2023, 83% of donations collected were used for programmes that benefit children, families and communities in need.
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