When a child finally leaves higher education behind on graduation day, their parents are...
In the heart of Sabah’s Tulid region lives 36-year-old Allie Latin. Allie wears many hats...
Around 8 billion tonnes of food is produced a year, enough to nourish everyone...
What kinds of things would children wish for at Christmas? For their parents to...
“I wish I had a bicycle.” That thought ran through Thu Man’s mind every time she went to school. Coming from one of the poorest households in a small village in Vietnam, Thu Man had to wake up at five every morning and walk four kilometres to her school.
In our deeply unequal world, millions of people are living in and dying from food deprivation every year. Since early 2021, World Vision has been sounding the alarm on a growing hunger crisis driven by conflict, climate change and the severe impacts of COVID-19.
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In 2023, 83% of donations collected were used for programmes that benefit children, families and communities in need.
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