Bye-bye, Ba Thuoc – a child sponsorship success story!

2023-12 Dec , Vision News      4 min read



When a child finally leaves higher education behind on graduation day, their parents are proud of them for moving into a new phase of their life and becoming adults who can care for themselves and others. Realising that your child is going out into the world without you at their side is bittersweet too. But we know it’s for the best.


That’s how we at World Vision feel when we phase out of an Area Programme (AP) after years of work. We’ll miss the children and families we’ve come to love, but we’re glad that they can thrive on their own.


One of our latest ‘graduations’ is Ba Thuoc AP in Vietnam. Since 2008, World Vision has walked alongside children and families there, finally phasing out in September 2023. We leave behind a self-sustaining community where children are healthy, well-educated and safe.

Here are just a few ways Ba Thuoc has changed since World Vision began work there:

Clean water and sanitation systems were implemented in households. 322 latrines were built, granting 63.1% of households access to hygienic latrines.

Awareness sessions on the importance of education were conducted for the community, benefiting 5,000 parents and caregivers.

3,440 children learned how to protect themselves from abuse, exploitation and injuries. Safe play spaces were established for children in schools.

You can read more about our other achievements here.


All of this would not have been possible without our child sponsors, who have supported children in Ba Thuoc for many years. The community’s successes are yours too! Here’s one of our favourite tales of transformation from Ba Thuoc:


Phuong was diagnosed with ovarian cancer when she was just 17. “My family couldn’t afford my medical treatment. I had to leave school and home to work in the city. I had no hope for the future.”


Now 24, Phuong has a clean bill of health. “My condition is controlled and I am getting better every day. I want to thank World Vision, my sponsor and the community leaders for their support.”


When World Vision first learned about her situation, we worked with the local Child Protection Committee and her community leaders to help Phuong and her family. With the financial assistance she received, Phuong returned to Ba Thuoc, went back to school and received medical treatment.


Phuong went on to graduate from high school and attended a sewing course at a vocational school. Later, she found a job with a sewing company. “I now earn my own living and can pay for my medical expenses. World Vision truly brings hope.

Celebrating Ba Thuoc together


On 27 August 2023, 55 sponsors joined us in-person and online to watch the Ba Thuoc Phase-Out Celebration live. During the festivities, our guests had the opportunity to listen to the success stories they made happen.

Four former sponsored children also sat down with us to share how their lives were changed through Child Sponsorship. All of them had faced hardship, but through their sponsors’ support, they have moved on to bigger and better things. Another thing they have in common is wanting to make a difference in their communities!


Towards the end, our in-person participants wrote words of encouragement to the children and shared them via video feed – a moment that will leave behind wonderful memories for the children of Ba Thuoc and our sponsors.


Child sponsorship is a long journey, but seeing the lives you transformed for yourself makes it all worth it. One thing’s for sure – there will be many more celebrations of communities ‘graduating’ in the future. Would you like to be part of the next one?


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